Friday, July 20, 2007


Ok so I am an eleven year old at heart, most definitely, and I will be in line at midnight to purchase my 7th and final Harry Potter book tonight!!! I can't believe this is the end, how sad! But I will be locking myself away this weekend to read it, if anyone so much as whispers what the end is I will be so sad. Oh man I'm so excited but a little sad that it is all ending.

I saw the 5th movie last weekend. It def. wasn't as good as the other movies. Like they could have been movies on their own without the other ones in the series to support them; but this most recent movie felt like a sequel. I mean obvi you wouldnt go see just the 5th movie if you hadnt seen the first 4 or if you hadnt read the books, but that is no reason to slack on the filmaking.

Ok thats my deal with that

Talk to you at the end of like 1,000 pages of Rowling genius

Mary Kate

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