Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!!

Wow, where did summer go? I can't believe it is already Labor Day Weekend! I can't wait to start classes again, but summer is my favorite time of year. I really don't want to think about having to break out the scarves and gloves again soon.

Anyways the good part about school starting again is that everyone is coming back to campus who had gone away for summer break of co-op. I saw one of my friends yesturday who had come back to campus and in the next week, even more people will be arriving on campus!!

Being a sophomore is going to be awesome. 4 terms of classes in a row may be a bit of an issue, but I'll deal, lol. Anywhoo I cannot wait to get the holiday weekend started!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of your summer!!

-Mary Kate

Friday, August 24, 2007

Phillies game!!

I am so excited about this weekend!! Tonight I am going to the Phillies game with some friends from home. It will be nice to see them all again before they head back off the college.

Tommorrow I will get to relax and I cannot wait to just kick back and sit around all day. Sunday is going to be fun too. It will be busy, but fun. ALl of us DWCs are getting together to have a BBQ, and I looovvveee BBQ! Also another Eagles game on Sunday night, woot!!

I hope you are all enjoying your extra long summer!!!

- Mary Kate

Friday, August 17, 2007

Fall Schedule!!

So I registered for my fall classes on wednesday! I'm super excited about how the scheduling worked out. I have Fridays off so I can still intern downtown in the fall which I am very excited about!

I like the summer and all, but I am a bookworm at heart so I cannot wait to be back in classes and to see my friends again!!

Hope you are all getting excited for classes too!!

-Mary Kate

Friday, August 10, 2007

Busy Busy!

Wow this week has flown by. I had to keep reminding myself that it was Friday! Anyways, this week has definitely been a lot of fun. I can't believe we only have 3 more weeks in this term, then break, and then classes start up again!! I am so excited to see everyone again.

This summer has been a lot of fun. Hopefully I will get the chance to go home at least one more time before everyone heads back off the college.

I was so busy earlier this week that I completely forgot to make plans for this weekend. Maybe I will go and see a movie. Personally I cannot wait until next weekend when "Superbad" comes out, it looks soooo funny!

Have a great weekend y'all!!
Mary Kate

Friday, August 3, 2007


Wow I can't believe it is already August! The past month or so has just flown by so quickly! A lot of my friends from high school are getting ready to leave again and head back to college. Some of my friends who just graduated this spring are preparing to become college freshman. It is so crazy! I like the idea of being a sophomore this fall. I will know my way around campus, have set friends to hang out with, maybe take a class or two with.

While I am really excited to start classes again, I definitely want to savor my last summer!So far I have only been to the beach once, but I'll be down the shore again tommorrow so I will have that covered. I was hoping to go to a few barbeques though, hmmm maybe labor day weekend I'll check out that scene.

Well I you all are having a great summer and enjoying every minute of it!!