Friday, August 31, 2007

Labor Day Weekend!!

Wow, where did summer go? I can't believe it is already Labor Day Weekend! I can't wait to start classes again, but summer is my favorite time of year. I really don't want to think about having to break out the scarves and gloves again soon.

Anyways the good part about school starting again is that everyone is coming back to campus who had gone away for summer break of co-op. I saw one of my friends yesturday who had come back to campus and in the next week, even more people will be arriving on campus!!

Being a sophomore is going to be awesome. 4 terms of classes in a row may be a bit of an issue, but I'll deal, lol. Anywhoo I cannot wait to get the holiday weekend started!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the rest of your summer!!

-Mary Kate

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