Friday, August 3, 2007


Wow I can't believe it is already August! The past month or so has just flown by so quickly! A lot of my friends from high school are getting ready to leave again and head back to college. Some of my friends who just graduated this spring are preparing to become college freshman. It is so crazy! I like the idea of being a sophomore this fall. I will know my way around campus, have set friends to hang out with, maybe take a class or two with.

While I am really excited to start classes again, I definitely want to savor my last summer!So far I have only been to the beach once, but I'll be down the shore again tommorrow so I will have that covered. I was hoping to go to a few barbeques though, hmmm maybe labor day weekend I'll check out that scene.

Well I you all are having a great summer and enjoying every minute of it!!


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