Friday, September 7, 2007

Summer Term is Over!!

Wow the last ten weeks have flown by but this week was by far the best! Srav came back to visit earlier in the week and Andrea is moving back today! I am so excited to see everyone again!

Also work has been thoroughly enjoyable this past week! At Women's Way I got to go and see Hillary Clinton speak. Im not veyr political and I'm not sure how I feel about Hillary Clinton being president, but it was still exciting to go and listen.
Last night I got to go to the Eagles Kickoff Party as part of a fundraiser. I was one of those people who tries to get you to sign up for the Eagles credit card. Not too bad, plus there was some free food involed. We also got to stay after we finished working and saw the All-American Rejects perform... FOR FREE!!!! Definitely the highlight of the week!!

I am excited for a break over the next few weeks tho!

-Mary Kate

1 comment:

Srav said...

whooo another blog shoutout, i'm excited! see you in the honors lounge really soooon!