Thursday, April 5, 2007

Home This Weekend

Wow, this week has gone by so fast, and I stil have to get through Friday! Ill be comuting tommorow to help out my parents. That's one of the things I really love about Drexel. We are only a few blocks from 30th Street Station, it is so easy to walk on over and hop on a train and get home if I need to. You could probably get anywhere from there, there is a train that runs to New York, DC, even to the airport! The rates are pretty decent too, also free is always best, lol.

That's one of the things I love about being in a city, I don't need a car to get around. There is public transportation that can take you all around the city. The trolly stop on campus is nice too, just a short walk down the street and I can get down to Independenca Hall or go to the Opera.

Well, looks like it is time to head on out!

Mary Kate

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