Friday, April 13, 2007


Oh man I am so happy it is Friday. The week went by so fast, but still it will be nice to relax for a bit. Hopefully I will be able to hang out with the usual gang and head over to Ross Commons and get a Schuykill Burger and sit upstairs on our usual couches and relax.
That is what I really love about Drexel. My friends here are awesome. They make me so happy and sure I miss my friends from high school and I visit them when I can, but I wouldn't trade my Drexel friends for anything. I have loved being able to have movie nights in the dorms where we all lounge around and watch classic movies, or well just movies that need to seen by everyone!
This week has been so busy and a little hectic at times, but that would have happened at any school. But having great friends to see my through, that I have found here at Drexel and I am so happy about that!

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