Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Off and running

So, it's only week two but things are moving along well this term. Yesturday I signed up in the Honors Office to go and see "The life of Galileo" and the Wilma Theatre for FREE!! I know, so awesome. That's something I have definitely taken advantage of here at Drexel, the University offers so many opportunities for all students to be able to go into the city and visit museums or see shows for free or at least at a sweet discounted rate. I've found that it is so easy to just stay in our "University City Bubble" because of all there is to do on campus that having the chance to get off campus and do something fun and artsy with friends, for free, is pretty awesome!

Also, for anyone in my DWC group reading this, or any student who will be starting at Drexel Undergraduate next year as a freshman I will be available on AIM from 8-10 pm on Tuesdays.
My screen name is :drxldragon8

-Mary Kate

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