Thursday, June 28, 2007

Interviews and Internships

So I was anticipating a long lonely summer, with most of my friends at home, far away from me at home. Not that I don't love my fellow DWCs but I knew I would miss my other friends so much. I have really found a great group of friends here at Drexel and I was so sad to see them leave for the summer. Luckily for me almost all of them are on a fall/winter co-op cycle. Why is that so good? They are here on campus to go to interviews for their co-ops now! For the past week or so my friends have been back on campus for a day or so at a time and they are so awesome, they stopped by to visit me after their interviews!

In other exciting news, aside from working as a DWC this summer I also have an internship downtown! Drexel really helped to open some doors for me when it came to getting this internship. This summer is definitely shaping up to be a great one!

-Mary Kate

Monday, June 25, 2007

The beach!!

Yes! Summer has truly arrived. I spent the weekend at the shore. While the traffic there and back was obscene and i was able to take decent naps in the car ( i wasn't driving, lol) it was so worth it. I got to see some family members who came in from Nebraska, they usually come out to visit once a year. I have really learned to appreciate the shore so much more because of them, they drive two days to get to the beach. I think a three hour traffic jam in comparison is not anything to complain over.
Anywhoo, getting to see them again was so great! Going down the shore in general was awesome. I met up with some of my super-cool friends from Drexel Sunday morning and spent the day with them. I think it's nice that two very different parts of my life can merge!
In all it was a great weekend and a great way to kick-off the summer. I might go down again next weekend to see my family off. Right now I am just going to enjoy the fact that I avoided suburn and will try not to day-dream too much, lol.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Old Blogs, New Tricks

Ok so finals are over and summer has begun, so last week I was sitting around I realized I hadn't been on my Xanga in ages. So I logged on and proceeded to read through all of my old posts. I was mildly amused with my random posting of song lyrics and cute little anecdotes about the boys I was crushing on at the moment but it was kinda lame. Honestly, who really wanted to know that I had Duran Duran stuck in my head on April 6th? Whatever it just cracked me up a bit. So pretty much instead of reading through old diaries from middle school we now have online diaries to remind us of bad hair choices and awkward encounters. Gotta love it!

Speaking of mildly random, thats pretty much what that last paragraph was, whoops. Sorry to get all philosophical there, it probably wont happen again, lol.

-Mary Kate

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Hey Class of 007, Congratulations on finishing high school!! This is such an amazing and exciting time. Enjoy your summer, and I hope you will all have a great time and be able to start out your college experience on a high-note!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Finals week!

It's finally finals week! I'm half way done I just have two more exams tomorrow and then I am done for the summer, er well for a week before summer term. I am only take on course, but it's free and it looks so cool. It is called "Law, Literature, and Politics", its only one class a week, and should be fun. I am too much of a nerd to not take a class over the summer, lol j/k. I am also super excited for DWC this summer, I hope all of you incoming freshman are getting pumped for orientation. I know I had so much fun on my orientation, I'm sure you will too! Well, Physics is calling, I'll be in touch!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 10!!

WOWZAA!!! Spring Term went by so fast. I can't believe week ten is half over, I have two more classes and I have already finished my presentations in both of them so I get to sit back, relax, and listen to my classmates present for the next two days, sweet deal. I only have 4 final this term which is nice, I'll be done with my first year of college in exactly one week. Wow, that is so weird. I remember my graduation so well; it really feels like it was just yesturday that I was super excited to start here at Drexel and now I am almost done my first year. Wow that is so crazy. I've learn so much and seen so much this past year. I can't imagine not knowing my friends from Drexel now.
This summer is going to be so great though. I'm excited to be able to take a break from classes for a bit. I'm also super excited to get to stay at Drexel this summer and get to hang out with my awesome DWC friends and get to know them better without crazy schedules or deadlines getting in the way. Besides, roadtrips to the shore, I think so!!! lol

- Mary Kate