Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Week 10!!

WOWZAA!!! Spring Term went by so fast. I can't believe week ten is half over, I have two more classes and I have already finished my presentations in both of them so I get to sit back, relax, and listen to my classmates present for the next two days, sweet deal. I only have 4 final this term which is nice, I'll be done with my first year of college in exactly one week. Wow, that is so weird. I remember my graduation so well; it really feels like it was just yesturday that I was super excited to start here at Drexel and now I am almost done my first year. Wow that is so crazy. I've learn so much and seen so much this past year. I can't imagine not knowing my friends from Drexel now.
This summer is going to be so great though. I'm excited to be able to take a break from classes for a bit. I'm also super excited to get to stay at Drexel this summer and get to hang out with my awesome DWC friends and get to know them better without crazy schedules or deadlines getting in the way. Besides, roadtrips to the shore, I think so!!! lol

- Mary Kate

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