Thursday, June 28, 2007

Interviews and Internships

So I was anticipating a long lonely summer, with most of my friends at home, far away from me at home. Not that I don't love my fellow DWCs but I knew I would miss my other friends so much. I have really found a great group of friends here at Drexel and I was so sad to see them leave for the summer. Luckily for me almost all of them are on a fall/winter co-op cycle. Why is that so good? They are here on campus to go to interviews for their co-ops now! For the past week or so my friends have been back on campus for a day or so at a time and they are so awesome, they stopped by to visit me after their interviews!

In other exciting news, aside from working as a DWC this summer I also have an internship downtown! Drexel really helped to open some doors for me when it came to getting this internship. This summer is definitely shaping up to be a great one!

-Mary Kate

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