Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Old Blogs, New Tricks

Ok so finals are over and summer has begun, so last week I was sitting around I realized I hadn't been on my Xanga in ages. So I logged on and proceeded to read through all of my old posts. I was mildly amused with my random posting of song lyrics and cute little anecdotes about the boys I was crushing on at the moment but it was kinda lame. Honestly, who really wanted to know that I had Duran Duran stuck in my head on April 6th? Whatever it just cracked me up a bit. So pretty much instead of reading through old diaries from middle school we now have online diaries to remind us of bad hair choices and awkward encounters. Gotta love it!

Speaking of mildly random, thats pretty much what that last paragraph was, whoops. Sorry to get all philosophical there, it probably wont happen again, lol.

-Mary Kate

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