Monday, June 25, 2007

The beach!!

Yes! Summer has truly arrived. I spent the weekend at the shore. While the traffic there and back was obscene and i was able to take decent naps in the car ( i wasn't driving, lol) it was so worth it. I got to see some family members who came in from Nebraska, they usually come out to visit once a year. I have really learned to appreciate the shore so much more because of them, they drive two days to get to the beach. I think a three hour traffic jam in comparison is not anything to complain over.
Anywhoo, getting to see them again was so great! Going down the shore in general was awesome. I met up with some of my super-cool friends from Drexel Sunday morning and spent the day with them. I think it's nice that two very different parts of my life can merge!
In all it was a great weekend and a great way to kick-off the summer. I might go down again next weekend to see my family off. Right now I am just going to enjoy the fact that I avoided suburn and will try not to day-dream too much, lol.

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